
Customised Parking Lot Solution copy

Customized Parking Solutions

Customized Parking Solutions


RFID based Solutions: It uses a long range RFID reader to scan the sticker or the card from the vehicle and works in sync with the boom barrier, recording the entry date/time of the vehicle and opening of the barrier. It can be integrated with a short range RFID reader & automatic card dispenser with a loop detector.


POS based Solutions: A handheld terminal is used to generate the time & date with the vehicle number at entry. The same is entered or scanned at the exit. The POS calculates the parking fees and generates an invoice, allowing the barrier to open after payment of the amount. All reports are directly printed from the POS system.

Further integration of the barriers can be done with CCTV cameras to record the vehicle number and other details of parking management system to display all information about occupied and vacant parking lots with lane and bay information.


POS system with RFID

POS system with RFID
Residential Apartments
Housing Colony
Corporate Offices
Factories and Hospitals
Simple POS system
Wireless System
Built in RFID reader
Built in Thermal Printer
Advance Access Control
Interface with Boom Barrier
Report in PC
(Optional) Full Automatic Card Dispenser at Entry
Operation Principal
POS parking system uses simple Point of Sale Devices with built in RFID Reader and Built in Thermal Printer
When the CAR enters, the RFID Mifare Card is scanned.The POS System writes entry date/time on the RFID Card. Boom Barrier opens in sync with the Card scan.
When the CAR reaches the EXIT gate, the RFID Card is scanned, the POS reads Exit Time, The vehicle type is entered manually, (Optionally CAR no can also be entered manually). POS calculates Parking FEE and prints invoice. The Boom Barrier opens in sync with card scan. All Report can be printed diretly from POS system.
The POS data can be downloaded in the PC and the report can be viewed & printed.


Classroom Visualizer Solution

  • All real physical objects can be captured, demonstrated, edited and recorded in full 3-D.
  • Audience can experience & get involved with the textbook diagrams and objects on the larger screen.
  • Live feed within the IntelliSpace software allows all the interactive whiteboard tools to be used on the physical object.
  • Augmented reality applications support with Cybernetyx OptiMark technology.

1. Seamless
IntelliSpace Integration

The main difference between EyeSIGHT and the normal document camera/visualizer solutions available in the market today is that EyeSIGHT was conceptualized as an inherent feature of IntelliSpace software from the foundation. Thus, you can use all the wonderful IntelliSpace tools on the live capture of the 3-D physical objects on the EyeSIGHT device.

Seamless Integration

2. HD-quality
capture and attention to details

Rather than increasing the view area of EyeSIGHT, we chose to adapt it to the ‘real’ needs in a classroom. This gave us the power of capturing 720p resolution HD quality images and videos of the focus objects.

3. Affordability
and Cost-effectiveness

We ’ve been very perturbed by the whole concept of having another complex device in the classroom for capturing the live physical objects and text. Normally, these devices would cost almost as much as an interactive whiteboard solution itself. So, our target was divided into two parts:

  • To develop and integrate a classroom visualizer solution inside IntelliSpace with HD capabilities and specifications enough to handle the tasks required in a classroom.
  • To keep it cost-effective and an integral part of the Interactive whiteboard solution itself rather than a separate costly product.
  • To cut-down on all the frills around the existing solutions, to come up with a product suitable for the classroom usage.
  • To develop software peripheral services around this product, to make it more ROI-pro for the institutions investing in it, like augmented reality, virtual attendance system, classroom response system and so on.

4. Augmented

Bring the lessons to life by utilizing the built-in augmented reality features of EyeSIGHT.

Augmented Reality


Intuitive Teaching Software

IntelliSpace is designed as a new age software, where superior user experience is a key necessity. We wanted to provide the users much beyond a cluttered and confusing software with numerous options hidden like a puzzle in form of some drop down menus.

IntelliSpace sports a fresh, app-like, uncluttered interface which is intuitive and requires very little learning curve even for the greenhorns.

Content Hub

We view IntelliSpace as a tool to assist the teacher in the best possible way. Nothing can absolutely replace the flair, talent and expertise of a real teacher in the classroom. Provided these tools, a teacher can save those 20 minutes wasted in drawing a complicated diagram, and focus more on explaining it. What is more is that she can use the same diagram in multiple classes and even for successive years.

Relevant Resource library

Where most clip-art like images exist in most resource libraries meant to aid teachers in digital education, our content creation team believed very strongly that the images of animals and birds, and a few maps do not comprise of an effective resource library. To make sure that the resource library provided is relevant to almost all standards of education, our team built a repository of images, and diagrams based on the local content of each geography. Like in India, our repository contains images based on the AICTE curriculum. In Germany, we developed it according to the Kultusministerium.

Cloud Search


We made the simplest possible gateway for the teachers to get quality content “on-demand” and free of cost on almost any topic on earth. All the content is classroom-safe and passed through Cybernetyx filters before being streamed on the teacher’s page. She can choose from the massive amount of world-class images and videos available from NASA, MIT, Yale or Khan Academy, and other rich content providers.


Additionally to our image and video resources we also provide a growing database of 3D models for the classroom. The models can be viewed zoomed and rotated within IntelliSpace and you can search and pick them just like the other resources directly from the IntelliSpace library. Different from plane images these 3D models give the audience a much better understanding of the subject than most of the images available.


From Ground Up

As the software gets spiced-up with natural user interface technologies, it was imperative for us to put multitouch gestures as a fundamental to do tasks faster in IntelliSpace. Imagine zooming and rotating an image with a flick of your fingers, rather than searching and trying to clutch that corner bubble hidden somewhere.

The enormous possibilities with a natural interface in creating amazing content is the real power of IntelliSpace.

Internet Browser

You can view websites without leaving IntelliSpace. Just open the Internet Browser Tool and start browsing the web. You can use the IntelliSpace toolbar to annotate and capture the content of the website. Or copy text directly from the Browser window into IntelliSpace. With this tool you can easily work with the browser without the need to leave your workplace.

Internet Browser
Desktop Annotation


With IntelliSpace you can use any other application on your computer without missing the whiteboard features IntelliSpace provides. Additionally we supply a few features which help you to work with other applications. For example use Ink-Anywhere and our handwriting recognition tools to fill excels cells with numbers or make quickly a simple diagram on top of your word document and post it directly as image between your text. You can also annotate and capture anything you see on your screen and use it directly on your IntelliSpace workspace with our screen capture tools.


Guide the focus of your audience with our powerful presentation tools. For example use multiple screen curtains to unveil a pro-contra list or the spotlight tool to explain specific parts of a diagram or an image.

Both tools are also available in the Desktop Mode.

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