Flap Barrier - Double Machine Core, Designed for High Traffic Volume, Electronic Anti-Punch Function, Auto-suspension of door closure when human is detected, Advanced Design, Hieroglyphic Symbols, Direct Current operation: Low failure rate to ensure stability, Use IC cards, ID cards, bar code or magnetic cards as automatic identification system, Flexible switching of reader panel to assemble various readers.

Passage width: 600 mm, Overall width: 1200mm, Height: 785mm, Capacity: 20-30/min, Opening/Closing Time: 1Sec, AX110-220V, 50Hz/60Hz, Power Consumption:80W, Two Way traffic, Led Lighting, Fail Safe, Cabinet SUS304 Stainless Steel Material, EM Drive: DC, Weight: 40Kgs

*The WSS219 should work with WSS119 series to build multiple lanes.

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flap barriers bngalore, entrance automation