It is a simple Glider made out of balsa Wood that flies gracefully when gently launched/chucked into the air, usually in to the wind by a gentle throw of the hand. You should be able to make the model in about two hours.  It can be customized by affixing decals/stickers of your choice. The parts have deliberately been kept large so that the young Aero-modeler can handle it easily. It will easily fly 20 seconds or more and reach distances of 100 feet plus if launched into the wind. The novice modeler should then progress to Rubber Powered models like the "Chipmunk Sr" etc. The Cicada Chuck Glider Kit consists of:
  • Balsa Wood 2MM Thickness
  • Modeling knife, Metal Scale & Pen
  • Cyanoacrylate Glue Sticks
  • Modeling Clay
  • Aero-Sports Logo Stickers
  • Sandpaper Block for Shaping and Trimming the Model
  • Illustrated Assembly Manual for Building, Finishing, Trimming & Flying
  • Free Technical Support via Telephone/Email..
  Aeromodeling workshop , Aeromodelling course, learn aeromodelling bangalore, chuck glider workshop, know how to make balsa wood planes, course on aeromodelling, aeromodeliing for schools